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Behind Me Now


Behind Me Now  is a prison ministry that encourages, teaches and mentors female inmates through biblical teaching and worship. (And oh,

how we love to do this!)  We understand the deep challenge of putting past mistakes “behind us.”

We walk with those serving sentences, as well as support those who are making the difficult transition back into society after their time is served.

​Recovery, transformation through Christ, and restored lives are the heart of Behind Me Now. We partner with organizations such as Leaving The CocoonThe Oak Cottage for Women, and The Next Door to bring real friendship, discipleship, and mentorship to women in need.




Discipleship and Bible study — topics include: How to budget money, setting healthy boundaries in relationships, breaking strongholds and patterns of behavior, plus anything else the girls request.  (We listen to their interests and take their suggestions.)

Mentoring — When the doors open, where will

she go?  How does she stay away from

unhealthy relationships that might lead her back? ...Mentoring!

Clothing — We take her shopping and provide for the necessities every woman needs.

Make-overs — A must for anyone wanting to start over.  It’s a joy to watch each women come alive and feel like a woman again!

Housing and jobs — Housing can cost up to and over $500 a month in a half-way house. We provide scholarships for housing for up to six months so women can work on debt, saving money, reinstating their license and hopefully purchasing a car. 

Friendship — We all need people to call for life's ups and downs.  These women are no different.  Behind Me Now is available to pick her up for a cup of coffee or a walk in the park.  We listen and pray with them.  We laugh and cry. 

We celebrate.  We become friends.

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